By Elizabeth Williams At the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994, the governments’ present made commitments to promote the Sexual and Reproductive Health...
Express Yourself Blog

Reflection of a Mandela Washington Fellow: Social Exclusion: An Expression of Inequalities
In the 20th century, a great educator, Paulo Freire, made a profound statement, one that points to the source of most human inequalities and injustice. He said “the greatest problem of humanity is dehumanisation.” No matter how we have defined this, denying other humans of their basic rights to education, empowerment, healthcare, shelter and a life lived to the fullest is man’s greatest limitation on humanity.

Reflection of a Mandela Washington Fellow: Are Africans Making Africa Vulnerable?
It’s been three weeks of a great learning adventure at the great Wagner College, New York. And here is one of thoughts I have had to reflect on: 'young Africans have to be more assertive about the African story that we share'. When we share our stories, it has the power to do either of two things. One is to make Africa vulnerable, susceptible to pity and in dire need of more aids. The other option is to reveal African’s potentials, diversity and strength

Reflection of a Mandela Washington Fellow: Does Africa Need an Education Reform?
Learning is great; not just because of its ability to expand the mind beyond recovery but also for its ability to shed light on the paths of life. And for a few who are committed to continuous learning, it delivers a deeper craving for something greater than self, a point at which we begin to realise that our lives are too small to be the purpose of living.

Young People and Their Reproductive Health
Over half of the world's population is below 25 years of age. Talking about the sexuality of young people is still very controversial, even though pregnancy is the main cause of death among women between 15 and 19 years worldwide. Complications in giving birth and unsafe abortion practices contribute greatly to these worrying numbers

Date Rape: The Myths and Realities
One essence of dating as a young person is to feel comfortable and interact with others. However, many have fallen victims of sexual abuse while on a date.