One essence of dating as a young person is to feel comfortable and interact with others. It creates an environment that facilitates the establishment of friendship and companionship. Also, it provides opportunities for emotional closeness and teaches a person how to care and be attentive to his/her partner’s feeling.
However, many have fallen victims of sexual abuse while on a date. Many young women are raped or coerced into having sexual intercourse by their dates or have their safety seriously compromised by risk-taking partners. While the majority of rape victims are women, men have been the victims of rape by other women or by other men.
What Is Acquaintance Or Date Rape?
It is a type of rape that occurs after the individuals involved have agreed to social engagement. Rape is defined as vaginal, oral, or anal penetration using force or threat of force. It is an act of violence motivated by power and control. The assailant may be someone you have recently met, just met, or someone you have been dating. In many cases, the assailant does not believe that what took place constitutes rape. Also, the majority of these rapes go unreported, as women are fearful that they will not be believed or will somehow be blamed. Date rape is particularly prevalent on college campuses, where it frequently occurs in situations involving alcohol or other date rape drugs
Some common Myths and Facts About Date Rape
Myth: Date rape only happens between people who just met or don’t know each other well.
Fact: Rape (sexual intercourse with a person against his/her will through the use of threat, force, and/or intimidation) has nothing to do with how well the person knows the assailant. It’s not uncommon for a person to be raped by someone he or she has been dating for a long time, or by a former lover, or by a spouse.
Myth: If a woman lets a man buy her lunch, dinner or pay for a movie or drinks, she owes him sex.
Fact: No one owes sex as a payment to anyone else, no matter how expensive the date.
Myth: Only women are raped.
Fact: Ten percent of rape cases involve men as a victim.
Myth: If both people are drunk at the time of the incident, no one can be accused of rape.
Fact: Being drunk does not mean someone cannot be accused of and convicted of rape.
Myth: Women make false reports about sexual assault, especially date rape.
Fact: Women face embarrassment and humiliation in revealing that they have been raped. Most do not lie. In fact, nine out of ten incidents of date rape go unreported.
Myth: It is okay to have sex with a woman who has had too much to drink and passed out.
Fact: It is a crime to have intercourse with someone who is defenseless and non- consenting.
Myth: Women can easily avoid date rape situations.
Fact: Most women are date raped by an individual that they thought could be trusted in an environment that they considered safe.
For more information and counselling, Visit our Youth Clinic
Action Health Incorporated
17, Lawal Street, Off Oweh Street,
Jibowu, Yaba Lagos
Email: info@actionhealthinc.org
University of Florida Police Department
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