Healthcare providers play a critical role in providing services to young people as such, it is important that they are adequately trained on how to deliver Adolescent Youth-Friendly Healthcare Services (AYFHS).
In furtherance of this, 29 Post Basic Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Students from Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Yaba, Lagos were trained on AYFHS provision and delivery. The training which was done in two batches for two weeks exposed the nurses to Overview of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Nigeria, Anatomy and Physiology of Male and Female reproductive organs / Adolescent Development, Values and Attitudes Related to Adolescents’ Sexuality, Principles of Adolescent Youth Friendly Health Services, Gender Issues, Characteristics of AYFHS Facility/Provider, Introduction to Counselling /Counselling Skills, Life Skills for Young People, Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Mental Health, Sexual Violence / Finding Help and Contraceptives.
At the end of the training, the nurses were charged to educate young people on Substance Abuse and its effect on young people.
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