Divorce is the legal ending of a marriage. Just like with marriage, people divorce for a variety of reasons. When married couples divorce, they no longer want to live together. If not handled properly, divorce can be traumatic for everyone involved, especially the children. Children tend to feel they are responsible for their parents’ divorce and may suffer feelings of guilt and abandonment. But children should understand they are not to blame for their parents’ divorce. Divorce is about parents having irreconcilable differences that has broken down their marriage. Children may also try to get their parents back together. While this is commendable, they should be prepared for the fact that this may not be possible, no matter how much they want it to happen. Children dealing with their parents’ divorce should talk with a trusted adult about their feelings. The family can also seek professional counseling to help deal with the divorce and life afterwards. A divorce is not the end of happiness. People can still lead happy and productive lives after a divorce.