A two-day workshop was held at Action Health Incorporated (AHI) from May 9th – 10th 2018 to review the Home Grown School Feeding Programme (HGSFP) monitoring tools and train Community Based Organization (CBO) monitors and the Local Government Education Area (LGEA) monitoring officers on the use of the finalized HGSFP Monitoring/ Reporting Tools.
In her welcome address, the Executive Director of AHI, Mrs. Adenike Esiet, said that the programme is being essentially being monitored to block leakages in funding, ensure that the resources of the project are used in the most efficient manner, and that the HGSFP is delivered appropriately. While discussing the guidelines for Implementation of the HGSFP at School Level, Mrs. Mopelola Osolukoya described the roles and expectations of Cooks, Head/ Health Teachers, and School Based Monitoring Committees (SBMCs)/Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs).
Participants then made their inputs to the review of monitoring tools and Scorecard indicators for the project at the school level and state level after which Dr. Michael Kunnuji, the AHI Research Consultant, shared his thoughts about evaluation of the programme. “We have the input information, we are seeing the process, but we need to be able to understand the things that we see in order to evaluate whether or not we are meeting the objectives of the program and its effectiveness”.
Dr Kunnuji trained participants on the use of the finalized tools by explaining each segment of the tools and ensuring that all participants agreed on whom to provide information in response to questions in the different section of the tools. Afterwards, participants understanding of the use of the tool was tested through role play.
Ms. Stella Soneye, Programme Officer at AHI, described the process of organizing Community Watch Group (CWG) and wider community watch group meetings. She described the membership of the CWG, roles and responsibilities of the CWG, roles of Local Government Area (LGA) desk officers, recommended process for organizing CWG meetings, and attendance at Wider Community Dialogue meetings. She also shared the reporting requirements for CBOs on the HGSFP.
The training was worthwhile as all 20 participants had a clearer understanding of the use of the tools and the essence of the monitoring by the end of the workshop.
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